David MacKinnon is found by the Court to be dangerous for his judgement of others, so he is given the choice of being reconditioned or being banished to Coventry. Coventry is a land reserved for rugged individualists.
First publication: Astounding, July 1940
Sequel to If This Goes On—.
1941 RetroHugo finalist for best novella.
This one takes place after the dictatorship of the earlier story has been replaced by a government that forced everyone to behave properly. Kind of taking political correctness to the extreme with no room for individuality. Outside in Coventry, three governments have developed. A democracy, a dictatorship and a theocracy. This area is supposed to be where people can be individuals, but Dave finds that they are all even more controlling. Knowing Heinlein’s politics, it’s interesting that here he seems to side with the government where all are forced to behave in a certain way. It seems to be opposite of his known political views, just shy of Ayn Rand. But Heinlein was always for rational thought and a rational society. The story is good, but mostly exists for this contrasting of the extremes of society. Other than that you have Dave’s journey of self-discovery, but not much else. Interesting story, but only recommended to the Heinlein fans.
We have the story in these editions:
The Past Through Tomorrow, hardcover, Ace/SFBC, 1987-07-00
All of the stories in the Future History series:
Blowups Happen
Logic of Empire
—We Also Walk Dogs
The Green Hills of Earth
Space Jockey
It’s Great to Be Back
The Black Pits of Luna
Gentlemen, Be Seated!
Ordeal in Space
Delilah and the Space-Rigger
The Long Watch
The Menace from Earth
The Roads Must Roll
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
If This Goes On—
Orphans of the Sky
Let There Be Light