Two scientists develop cold light and find the process can be reversed to create electricity, essentially solar power. But big power corporations want to squash their invention.
First publication: Super Science Stories, May 1940
Published as by Lyle Monroe.
Light humor. Sorry. Heinlein made this story funny, but also put into it some of his real views, of not liking how large organizations will try to control things to maintain their profits even if it means squashing progress and hurting the rest of the people. So if you don’t like Heinlein’s Libertarianism, stay away. Otherwise it’s an enjoyable story about inventing solar power.
We have the story in these editions:
Off the Main Sequence, hardcover, SFBC, 2005-10-00
All of the stories in the Future History series:
Blowups Happen
Logic of Empire
—We Also Walk Dogs
The Green Hills of Earth
Space Jockey
It’s Great to Be Back
The Black Pits of Luna
Gentlemen, Be Seated!
Ordeal in Space
Delilah and the Space-Rigger
The Long Watch
The Menace from Earth
The Roads Must Roll
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
If This Goes On—
Orphans of the Sky
Let There Be Light