“The Planet of Despair”
short story
By R. F. Starzl

Interplanetary Flying Police


Earth is controlled by the Plutonians, who demand 15 men and 15 women as sacrifices on a regular basis.


First publication: Wonder Stories July 1931


The basic premise of the Plutonians wanting to understand emotions and the soul by dissecting people is pretty ridiculous. I think any intelligent creatures would be able to see that, while emotions may have a basis in chemistry, they are the products of the mind and of behavior. A psychological experimentation would be more appropriate. The story itself is a simple pulp adventure, but it is what made these so lovable. This is the stuff that Star Wars is made from. Actually the plot reminds one a lot of Star Wars. Still it isn’t one of Starzl’s best stories.


We have the story in these editions:

All of the stories in the Interplanetary Flying Police series:
Hornets of Space
The Globoid Terror
The Terrors of Aryl
The Earthman’s Burden
The Planet of Despair
In the Orbit of Saturn
The Martian Cabal
The Power Satellite
The Venus Germ