Kipton & the Riddle of Sandstone
By Charles L. Fontenay

Kipton Chronicles 18



First publication: Royal Fireworks Press, June 1996



We have the story in these editions:

All of the stories in the Kipton Chronicles series:
01 Kipton & Gruff
02 Kipton and the Ovoid
03 Kipton in Wonderland
04 Kipton and the Monkey’s Uncle
05 Kipton: Murder on Stage
06 Kipton and the Tower of Time
07 Kipton and the Christmas Gift
08 Kipton and the Android
09 Kipton & the I Ching
10 Kipton & the Voodoo Curse
11 Kipton and the Caves of Mars
12 Kipton & the Monorail Murder
13 Kipton on Phobos
14 Kipton and the Martian Games
15 Kipton & the Matter Transmitter
16 Kipton and the Martian Maidens
17 Kipton & the Delusions of Tante Else
18 Kipton & the Riddle of Sandstone