Charles L. Fontenay

Born: 1917-03-17, Died: 2007-01-27


Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


  1. 1954-09-00 “Disqualified”
  2. 1954-10-00 “Escape Velocity”
  3. 1955-03-00 “Blow the Man Down”
  4. 1955-08-00 “The Patriot”
  5. 1956-02-00 “Poor Crazy One”
  6. 1956-02-00 “The Strangest Man in the Universe”
  7. 1956-04-00 “Atom Drive”
  8. L 1956-06-00 “Z”
  9. 1956-07-00 “The Silk and the Song”
  10. 1956-10-00 “Communication”
  11. 1956-12-00 “Family Tree”
  12. 1957-02-00 “The Old Goat”
  13. 1957-03-00 “Blind Alley”
  14. L 1957-03-00 “Up”
  15. L 1957-04-00 “A Case of Sunburn”
  16. 1957-04-00 “The Martian Shore”
  17. L 1957-06-00 “Moths”
  18. 1957-06-00 “Pretty Quadroon”
  19. 1957-08-00 “The Last Brave Invader”
  20. 1957-09-00 “Earth Transit”
  21. 1957-09-00 “The Heart’s Long Wait”
  22. 1958-00-00 Twice Upon a Time
  23. 1958-02-00 “A Summer Afternoon”
  24. 1958-02-00 “Chip on the Shoulder”
  25. 1958-03-00 “Never Marry a Venerian”
  26. 1958-04-00 “Conservation”
  27. 1958-04-00 “West O’Mars”
  28. 1958-06-00 “Service with a Smile”
  29. 1958-08-00 “Beauty Interrupted”
  30. 1958-09-00 “The Gift Bearer”
  31. 1958-10-00 “Nothing’s Impossible”
  32. 1959-02-00 “Bait”
  33. 1959-02-00 “Ghost Planet”
  34. 1959-03-00 “The Jupiter Weapon”
  35. 1959-04-00 “Wind”
  36. 1959-09-00 “Bargain Basement”
  37. 1960-05-00 “Matchmaker”
  38. 1960-11-00 “Mariwite”
  39. 1961-00-00 Rebels of the Red Planet
  40. 1964-05-00 The Day the Oceans Overflowed
  41. 1988-02-00 “Fredeya”
  42. 1991-02-00 “Savior”
  43. 1994-02-00 “Cat o’ Nine Tales”
  44. 1994-07-00 “An M-1 at Fort Donelson”
  45. 1994-10-00 “The Snakeskin Moon”
  46. 1994-12-00 “The Praying Lady”
  47. 1995-02-00 “The Hole in the Air”
  48. 1995-08-00 Kipton & Gruff
  49. 1996-01-00 Kipton and the Ovoid
  50. 1996-03-00 Kipton in Wonderland
  51. 1996-04-00 Kipton and the Monkey’s Uncle
  52. 1996-05-00 Kipton: Murder on Stage
  53. 1996-08-00 “Miss Hettie and Harlan”
  54. 1996-11-00 Kipton and the Tower of Time
  55. 1997-03-00 Kipton and the Christmas Gift
  56. 1997-06-00 Kipton and the Android
  57. 1997-11-00 Kipton & the I Ching
  58. 1998-01-00 Kipton & the Voodoo Curse
  59. 1998-04-00 Kipton and the Caves of Mars
  60. 1998-07-00 Kipton and the Martian Games
  61. 1999-01-00 Kipton & the Monorail Murder
  62. 1999-01-00 Kipton on Phobos
  63. 1999-02-00 Kipton and the Martian Maidens
  64. 1999-06-00 Kipton & the Delusions of Tante Else
  65. 1999-06-00 Kipton & the Matter Transmitter
  66. 1999-06-00 Kipton & the Riddle of Sandstone
  67. 1999-06-00 Target: Grant, 1862
  68. 1999-10-00 “The Peach Orchard”
  69. 2000-00-00 Modál: A Tale of Mind and Body, Love and Heroism, in a Possible Future World