“Pimp My Read”
short story
By Paul Di Filippo

Plumage from Pegasus



First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March-April 2012



We have the story in these editions:

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Mar/Apr 2012, edited by Gordon Van Gelder, magazine, Spilogale Inc., 2012-03-00

All of the stories in the Plumage from Pegasus series:
Galley Knaves
Till Human Voices Shake Us, and We Frown
An Editor Darkly
The Art of the State
The Royalties of the Fathers
Patton of the Arts
Building a Readership
A Short History of the ETEWAF Revolution
Judge, Jury, and Lexecutioner
Pimp My Read
Call Me Ishmael: Choose LIKE/DISLIKE
Truth Is Danger to Fiction
Kozmic Kickstarter
Flipping Genres for Fun and Profit
More Than Bookman
The Very Last Miserabilist in Paradise
Nudge Not, Lest Ye Be Nudged
The Stealer of Marketshare
Babel in Reverse Is Lebab
The Prince and the Pulpster
The London-Ehrenewich School of Applied Textual Fortitude
Have Gun, Will Edit
And I Think to Myself, What a Wonderful World
Two CC’s of Bestseller, Stat!
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Text