First publication: Astounding, April 1945
Alternate title: The General.
1946 RetroHugo finalist for best novella.
We have the story in these editions:
All of the stories in the Foundation series:
The Originist
Trantor Falls
Blind Alley
Forward the Foundation
Cleon the Emperor
The Consort
Foundation’s Conscience
1 Foundation
1.1 Foundation
1.2 Bridle and Saddle
1.3 The Big and the Little
1.4 The Wedge
2 Foundation and Empire
2.1 Dead Hand
2.2 The Mule
3 Second Foundation
3.1 Now You See It...
3.2 ...And Now You Don’t
4 Foundation’s Edge
5 Foundation and Earth
6 Prelude to Foundation
7 Forward the Foundation