First publication: F&SF, October 1952
Written by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt.
We have the story in these editions:
All of the stories in the Gavagan’s Bar series:
Elephas Frumenti
The Gift of God
The Better Mousetrap
More Than Skin Deep
Beasts of Bourbon
When the Night Wind Howls
The Rape of the Lock
The Ancestral Amethyst
Where To, Please?
The Black Ball
A Dime Brings You Success
All That Glitters
Corpus Delectable
Gin Comes in Bottles
Here, Putzi!
My Brother’s Keeper
No Forwarding Address
The Eve of St. John
The Love Nest
The Palimpsest of St. Augustine
The Stones of the Sages
The Green Thumb
Caveat Emptor
The Untimely Toper
One Man’s Meat
The Weissenbroch Spectacles
Ward of the Argonaut
Bell, Book and Candle
There’d Be Thousands in It