“The Guy with the Eyes”
short story
By Spider Robinson




First publication: Analog, February 1973



We have the story in these editions:

Before They Were Giants, edited by James L. Sutter, trade paperback, Paizo Publishing, 2010-09-00

All of the stories in the Callahan series:
The Guy with the Eyes
The Time-Traveler
The Law of Conservation of Pain
Two Heads Are Better Than One
Unnatural Causes
A Voice Is Heard in Ramah...
Just Dessert
The Centipede’s Dilemma
The Wonderful Conspiracy
Dog Day Evening
Mirror/rorriM Off the Wall
Have You Heard the One...?
Pyotr’s Story
Involuntary Man’s Laughter
The Blacksmith’s Tale
The Mick of Time
The Immediate Family
The End of the Painbow
Post Toast
04 Callahan’s Lady
05 Lady Slings the Booze
06 The Callahan Touch
08 Callahan’s Legacy
09 Callahan’s Key
10 Callahan’s Con