“When the Atoms Failed”
By John W. Campbell, Jr.

Waterson & Gale 1


Three scientist invent a power source that allows them to create a super-ship and an array of ray weapons - just in time to fight off an attack of a Martian fleet!


First publication: Amazing Stories, January 1930


Campbell’s first published story may have made a splash in 1930, propelling Campbell to the top of the space opera writers, but the story is difficult to appreciate today. First, you have to get through very long and detailed scientific explanations - and little of the science was real even for 1930. Second, the plot and characters are very thin. I guess Campbell was more interested in his wild imaginary sciences than in really writing a story. Third is the absurd idea that one little ship using recently discovered science is capable of battling a whole fleet of ships which also are built with superior sciences. From our perspective it is hard to believe that this story had any influence on anything. It just isn’t a good story. Only recommended for those curious about these very early space operas.


We have the story in these editions:

When the Atoms Failed / Dragons of Space, trade paperback, Armchair Fiction, 2016-01-25

All of the stories in the Waterson & Gale series:
1 When the Atoms Failed
2 The Metal Horde