Dr. Seaton stumbles on a chemical that converts matter entirely into energy and sets out to build a spaceship. His colleague Dr. DuQuesne attempts to steal the process and beat Seaton to controlling the greatest power source ever. He’s even willing to kill for it.
First publication: Amazing, serialized in 3 parts, August to October 1928
Written between 1915-1920 with Lee Hawkins Garby. The text was revised in the 1958 Pyramid edition, removing the contributions of Garby. This edition is what you mostly find.
This book is important because it is the first interstellar space opera in history. That alone makes it only of historical interest. If it were offered to a publisher as a new book today it would be turned down. It isn’t the quality of writing we want today. Even up against others of it’s day like Williamson’s “The Alien Intelligence” the writing here is more simple. The characters are okay, but could be more full. The plot is too basic and without a single driving goal. Instead it is more like a travelogue - the characters take their spaceship and encounter various dangers and wonders among the stars. But the story is just fun. It is simple fun. That plus its place in the history of science fiction makes this a top tale. But I would only recommend it to those who can deal with the simple writing of the early pulp magazines.
We have the story in these editions:
The Complete Skylark, hardcover, SFBC, 2003-08-00
All of the stories in the Skylark of Space series:
1 The Skylark of Space
2 Skylark Three
3 Skylark of Valeron
4 Skylark DuQuesne