“The Mad Planet”
By Murray Leinster

Burl 1

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Gases released from the Earth’s interior cause changes to the ecosystem so that, 30,000 years from now, the earth is dominated by giant fungus and giant insects, with man surviving in small, primitive tribes.


First publication: Argosy, June 12, 1920


Leinster creates a fascinating world, but it feels less like insects and fungus have become large and more like humans have shrunk down to their level. Either way you get an interesting exploration of the insect world. And the main character of Burl takes the Hero’s Journey. Recommended.


We have the story in these editions:

Giants, edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh, paperback, Signet / New American Library, 1985-11-00

All of the stories in the Burl series:
The Forgotten Planet
1 The Mad Planet
2 The Red Dust
3 Nightmare Planet