A speculation at a science club that Martians may be bombarding the Earth with cosmic rays in order to change our dna, gets into the public and spreads out of control.
First publication: Viking, June 1937
One of Wells’ last novels, written in 1937.
Star-Begotten is an excellent “soft” science fiction novel. The speculation about Martians is only speculation, there aren’t any actual Martians appearing in the story. It is a thought experiment played out in fiction. An idea novel. Fairly short, quick and easy to read. A great choice for anyone who loves older science fiction or H.G. Wells, it is well written. It doesn’t go into world building and isn’t all that long, so it is not for the current mega-fantasy series readers.
We have the story in these editions:
28 Science Fiction Stories, hardcover, Dover Publications, 1966-00-00
Star Begotten, hardcover, Chatto & Windus, 1937-00-00
Star-Begotten, hardcover, The Viking Press, 1937-06-00