H. G. Wells

Born: 1866-09-21, Died: 1946-08-13


Herbert George Wells


  1. L R 1887-02-00 “A Talk with Gryllotalpa”
  2. L R 1887-05-00 “A Tale of the Twentieth Century”
  3. L R 1887-06-00 “A Vision of the Past”
  4. L L L R 1888-04-00 “The Chronic Argonauts”
  5. L R 1888-11-00 “The Devotee of Art”
  6. L R 1891-07-00 “The Rediscovery of the Unique”
  7. L R 1891-09-00 “Zoological Retrogression”
  8. L R 1892-10-00 “Ancient Experiments in Co-Operation”
  9. 1893-00-00 Text Book of Biology
  10. 1893-00-00 Honours Physiography
  11. L L R 1893-09-30 “On Extinction”
  12. L R T 1893-11-06 “The Man of the Year Million”
  13. L R 1894-02-00 “Province of Pain”
  14. L R 1894-02-06 “The Man with a Nose”
  15. L R 1894-02-09 “Life in the Abyss”
  16. L R 1894-02-24 “The Sun God and the Holy Stars”
  17. L L R 1894-03-03 “The Triumphs of a Taxidermist”
  18. L R 1894-03-03 “A Family Elopement”
  19. L L R 1894-03-08 “In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story”
  20. L L R T 1894-03-17 “The Time Machine”
  21. L R 1894-04-02 “The Flat Earth Again”
  22. L L L L R 1894-06-21 “The Stolen Bacillus”
  23. L R 1894-06-28 “The Thumbmark”
  24. L R 1894-07-00 “Mr. Ledbetter’s Vacation”
  25. L R 1894-07-05 “The Hammerpond Park Burglary”
  26. L L R 1894-07-12 “The Jilting of Jane”
  27. L R 1894-07-26 “How Gabriel Became Thompson”
  28. L L L R T 1894-08-02 “The Flowering of the Strange Orchid”
  29. L L L R T 1894-08-09 “In the Avu Observatory”
  30. L L R 1894-08-16 “The Diamond Maker”
  31. L L R 1894-08-23 “The Treasure in the Forest”
  32. L R 1894-08-25 “Through a Window”
  33. L L L R 1894-09-06 “The Lord of the Dynamos”
  34. 1894-09-25 “The Extinction of Man”
  35. L R 1894-10-25 “The Thing in No. 7”
  36. L R 1894-10-29 “A Misunderstood Artist”
  37. L R 1894-11-10 “The ’Cyclic’ Delusion”
  38. L R 1894-12-15 “The Rate of Change in Species”
  39. L L R 1894-12-20 “A Deal in Ostriches”
  40. L R 1894-12-22 “Another Basis for Life”
  41. L L L L R T 1894-12-27 “Aepyornis Island”
  42. L R 1894-12-29 “The Biological Problem of To-day”
  43. 1895-01-00 “The Time Machine”
  44. L R 1895-01-04 “The Flying Man”
  45. L R 1895-01-19 “The Limits of Individual Plasticity”
  46. L R 1895-02-02 “Bye-Products in Evolution”
  47. L R 1895-02-09 “The Temptation of Harringay”
  48. L R 1895-02-23 “The Duration of Life”
  49. L R 1895-03-23 “Death”
  50. L L L L R T 1895-03-28 “The Remarkable Case of Davidson’s Eyes”
  51. L L R 1895-03-28 “The Moth”
  52. L R 1895-04-04 “Our Little Neighbor”
  53. L R 1895-04-18 “Wayde’s Essence”
  54. L L L L L L L R T 1895-05-00 The Time Machine
  55. 1895-05-00 The Time Machine
  56. L R 1895-05-00 Select Conversations with an Uncle
  57. L L R 1895-05-23 “Le Mari Terrible”
  58. L L R 1895-05-23 “Pollock and the Porroh Man”
  59. L R 1895-06-27 “How Pingwell was Routed”
  60. L L R 1895-08-00 “A Catastrophe”
  61. L L R 1895-08-15 “The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic”
  62. L R 1895-08-29 “Bio-Optimism”
  63. L R 1895-09-00 The Wonderful Visit
  64. L L L R 1895-09-18 “The Cone”
  65. R 1895-10-00 “The Visibilty of Change in the Moon”
  66. L L L L R 1895-12-00 “The Argonauts of the Air”
  67. L L R 1895-12-01 “The Reconciliation”
  68. R T 1896-00-00 “The Island of Dr. Moreau”
  69. L R 1896-00-00 The Wheels of Chance
  70. L L R 1896-01-00 “A Slip Under the Microscope”
  71. L L L L R 1896-01-00 “Under the Knife”
  72. L L L R 1896-03-00 “The Red Room”
  73. L L L L R T 1896-04-00 “The Plattner Story”
  74. L R 1896-04-04 “Intelligence on Mars”
  75. L L L R 1896-05-00 “The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham”
  76. L R 1896-06-27 “Concerning Skeletons”
  77. L L R 1896-07-00 “The Rajah’s Treasure”
  78. L L L L R T 1896-08-01 “In the Abyss”
  79. L L R 1896-09-00 “The Lost Inheritance”
  80. L R 1896-09-05 “The Possible Individuality of Atoms”
  81. L L R 1896-10-00 “The Apple”
  82. L R 1896-10-00 “Human Evolution, An Artificial Process”
  83. L L L R 1896-12-00 “The Purple Pileus”
  84. L L L L R 1896-12-06 “The Sea Raiders”
  85. L R 1897-02-00 “Morals and Civilization”
  86. L L L L R T 1897-04-00 The War of the Worlds
  87. L R 1897-04-00 “A Perfect Gentleman on Wheels”
  88. L L R T 1897-05-00 “The Crystal Egg”
  89. L L R 1897-05-00 “A Story of the Stone Age”
  90. L L R T 1897-06-12 The Invisible Man
  91. L R 1897-08-14 “The Presence by the Fire”
  92. L R 1897-09-18 “Mr. Marshall’s Doppelganger”
  93. L L L R T 1897-11-21 “The Star”
  94. R 1898-00-00 Certain Personal Matters
  95. L R 1898-02-12 “On Comparative Theology”
  96. L L L R T 1898-06-00 “The Man Who Could Work Miracles”
  97. L R 1898-10-00 “Miss Winchelsea’s Heart”
  98. L L R 1898-11-00 “The Stolen Body”
  99. L L R 1898-12-00 “Jimmy Goggles the God”
  100. L R 1898-12-00 “Walcote”
  101. L R T 1899-01-07 When the Sleeper Wakes
  102. L R 1899-04-00 “Mr. Brisher’s Treasure”
  103. L L R 1899-06-00 “A Story of the Days to Come”
  104. L R 1899-09-00 “A Vision of Judgement”
  105. L R 1900-06-00 Love and Mr. Lewisham
  106. L R 1900-11-00 The First Men in the Moon
  107. R T 1901-04-00 Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought
  108. L L R T 1901-05-00 “A Dream of Armageddon”
  109. L L R T 1901-07-00 The Sea Lady
  110. L L R 1901-11-25 “Filmer”
  111. L L L L R 1901-12-00 “The New Accelerator”
  112. L R 1902-02-00 “The Loyalty of Esau Common”
  113. R 1902-02-06 The Discovery of the Future
  114. L R 1902-03-00 “The Inexperienced Ghost”
  115. L R T 1903-02-00 “Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland”
  116. L L R 1903-03-00 “The Valley of the Spiders”
  117. L L L R 1903-04-00 “The Truth About Pyecraft”
  118. L L R 1903-06-00 “The Magic Shop”
  119. 1903-09-00 Mankind in the Making
  120. 1903-11-00 “Skepticism of the Instrument”
  121. R T 1903-12-00 The Food of the Gods
  122. L L L 1903-12-00 “The Land Ironclads”
  123. 1903-12-00 “The English House of the Future”
  124. L L L 1904-04-00 “The Country of the Blind”
  125. 1905-00-00 A Modern Utopia
  126. 1905-00-00 In the Days of the Comet
  127. 1905-10-07 Kipps
  128. L L 1905-12-00 “The Empire of the Ants”
  129. L L 1906-07-14 “The Door in the Wall”
  130. 1906-11-00 The Future in America
  131. 1907-00-00 This Misery of Boots
  132. 1907-00-00 Will Socialism Destroy the Home?
  133. L R T 1908-00-00 The War in the Air
  134. 1908-00-00 First and Last Things
  135. 1908-03-00 “The Things That Live on Mars”
  136. L 1908-03-00 New Worlds for Old
  137. L 1908-12-00 Tono-Bungay
  138. 1909-00-00 Ann Veronica
  139. L 1909-04-10 “The Beautiful Suit”
  140. L 1910-00-00 The History of Mr. Polly
  141. L 1910-00-00 The Sleeper Awakes
  142. 1910-00-00 The New Machiavelli
  143. L 1910-01-00 “My First Aeroplane”
  144. L 1910-04-00 “Little Mother Up the Morderberg”
  145. 1911-00-00 Floor Games
  146. L 1912-00-00 Marriage
  147. 1912-00-00 Great Thoughts from H. G. Wells
  148. 1912-00-00 Thoughts from H. G. Wells
  149. 1913-00-00 Little Wars
  150. 1913-00-00 The Passionate Friends
  151. L 1913-12-00 The World Set Free
  152. 1914-00-00 The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman
  153. 1914-00-00 The War That Will End War
  154. 1914-00-00 An Englishman Looks at the World
  155. L 1915-00-00 “The Story of the Last Trump”
  156. L 1915-00-00 “The Wild Asses of the Devil”
  157. 1915-00-00 Bealby: A Holiday
  158. L 1915-00-00 The Research Magnificent
  159. 1915-00-00 The War and Socialism
  160. 1915-00-00 The Peace of the World
  161. L 1915-05-03 Boon
  162. L 1916-00-00 Mr. Britling Sees It Through
  163. 1916-00-00 The Elements of Reconstruction
  164. L 1916-05-00 What Is Coming?
  165. 1917-00-00 God the Invisible King
  166. 1917-00-00 War and the Future
  167. 1917-00-00 Introduction to Nocturne
  168. L 1917-09-00 The Soul of a Bishop
  169. 1918-00-00 “Peter Learns Arithmatic”
  170. 1918-00-00 Joan and Peter: The Story of an Education
  171. 1918-00-00 In the Fourth Year
  172. 1919-00-00 The Idea of a League of Nations
  173. 1919-00-00 The Way to the League of Nations
  174. L 1919-05-00 The Undying Fire
  175. L 1919-11-22 The Outline of History
  176. 1920-00-00 Russia in the Shadows
  177. L L 1921-00-00 “The Grisly Folk”
  178. 1921-00-00 Frank Swinnerton
  179. 1921-00-00 The Salvaging of Civilization
  180. 1922-00-00 The Secret Places of the Heart
  181. 1922-00-00 A Short History of the World
  182. 1922-00-00 Washington and the Hope of Peace
  183. L 1923-00-00 Men Like Gods
  184. 1923-00-00 Socialism and the Scientific Motive
  185. L 1924-00-00 “The Pearl of Love”
  186. 1924-00-00 The Dream
  187. L 1924-00-00 The Story of a Great Schoolmaster: Being a Plain Account of the Life and Ideas of Sanderson of Oundle
  188. L 1924-00-00 The Time Machine
  189. 1925-00-00 Christina Albert’s Father
  190. 1925-00-00 A Year of Prophesying
  191. 1925-00-00 A Short History of Mankind
  192. L L 1926-00-00 The World of William Clissold
  193. 1926-00-00 Mr. Wells and Mr. Vowles
  194. 1926-00-00 Mr. Belloc Objects to The Outline of History
  195. L 1927-00-00 Meanwhile
  196. 1927-00-00 “The Red Dust a Fact!”
  197. 1927-00-00 “Democracy Under Revision”
  198. 1927-00-00 Wells’ Social Anticipations
  199. 1927-10-00 “Wells Speaks Some Plain Words to Us”
  200. L 1928-00-00 Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
  201. 1928-00-00 The Way the World is Going
  202. 1928-00-00 The Book of Catherine Wells
  203. 1928-00-00 The Open Conspiracy
  204. 1929-00-00 “Common Sense of World Peace”
  205. 1929-00-00 The King Who Was a King: The Book of a Film
  206. 1930-00-00 The Autocracy of Mr. Parham
  207. 1930-00-00 The Science of Life
  208. 1930-00-00 Divorce As I See It
  209. 1930-00-00 Points of View
  210. L 1932-00-00 “The Queer Story of Brownlow’s Newspaper”
  211. 1932-00-00 The Bulpington of Blup
  212. 1932-00-00 What Should be Done—Now: A Memorandum on the World Situation, John Day
  213. 1932-00-00 After Democracy
  214. 1932-00-00 The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind
  215. 1932-00-00 The New Russia
  216. 1932-00-00 Selections From the Early Prose Works of H. G. Wells
  217. L 1933-00-00 The Shape of Things to Come
  218. L 1934-00-00 Experiment in Autobiography
  219. 1935-00-00 Things to Come
  220. 1936-00-00 The Croquet Player
  221. L 1936-00-00 Man Who Could Work Miracles
  222. 1936-00-00 The Anatomy of Frustration
  223. 1936-12-00 The New Faust
  224. L 1937-00-00 “Answer to Prayer”
  225. 1937-00-00 Brynhild
  226. 1937-00-00 The Camford Visitation
  227. L L L R T 1937-06-00 Star-Begotten
  228. 1938-00-00 Apropos of Dolores
  229. 1938-00-00 The Brothers
  230. 1938-00-00 “Foretelling the Future”
  231. L 1938-00-00 World Brain
  232. L 1939-00-00 “The Country of the Blind”
  233. 1939-00-00 The Holy Terror
  234. 1939-00-00 The Fate of Homo Sapiens
  235. 1939-00-00 The New World Order
  236. 1939-00-00 Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water
  237. 1940-00-00 Babes in the Darkling Wood
  238. L 1940-00-00 All Aboard for Ararat
  239. 1940-00-00 The Common Sense of War and Peace
  240. 1940-00-00 The Rights of Man
  241. 1941-00-00 You Can’t Be Too Careful
  242. 1941-00-00 The Pocket History of the World
  243. 1941-00-00 Guide to the New World
  244. 1942-00-00 The Outlook for Homo Sapiens
  245. 1942-00-00 The Conquest of Time
  246. 1942-00-00 Modern Russian and English Revolutionaries
  247. 1942-00-00 Phoenix: A Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization
  248. 1943-00-00 Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church
  249. 1944-00-00 ’42 to ’44: A Contemporary Memoir
  250. 1944-00-00 Reshaping Man’s Heritage
  251. 1945-00-00 The Happy Turning
  252. 1945-00-00 Mind at the End of its Tether
  253. 1945-00-00 Marxism vs. Liberalism
  254. L 1984-00-00 H. G. Wells in Love
  255. 1997-00-00 “Twa Corbies”
  256. 1997-02-00 “Wild Horses”
  257. L 2016-09-00 “The Haunted Ceiling”