“A Dream of Armageddon”
By H. G. Wells

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A man relates that he dreamed he was living in the future. He and a woman are at a resort in Capri. They are dancing. He is someone of great political importance. A second politician in the “north” is talking war. War does break out, being started and led by a Hitler-like dictator, but from England, at least he has an English name. The main character flees Capri by boat. But the battles catch-up with them. She gets shot and dies. Soldiers come up to them and one stabs him with his sword.


First publication: First published in Black and White magazine May-June 1901.


Aside from the prophetic idea about world war which became reality with wwii, the story is dreamlike. It seems to make a point that love and focusing on our daily lives will be caught up in the greater drama of history, which is true for everyone who suffered in either of the great wars. Their spouses and families and their hopes were destroyed by the carnage of the wars.


We have the story in these editions:

28 Science Fiction Stories, hardcover, Dover Publications, 1966-00-00

The Complete Short Stories of H. G. Wells, edited by John Hammond, trade paperback, Phoenix Giant, 1999-00-00