“A Deskful of Girls”
By Fritz Leiber

Change War



First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958

1959 Hugo finalist for best novelette.



We have the story in these editions:

The Best of Fritz Leiber, hardcover, Nelson Doubleday / SFBC, 1974-06-00

The Best of Fritz Leiber, paperback, Ballantine Books, 1974-11-00

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958, edited by Anthony Boucher, magazine, Mercury Press, 1958-04-00

All of the stories in the Change War series:
Try and Change the Past
A Deskful of Girls
The Number of the Beast
Damnation Morning
The Haunted Future
The Mind Spider
The Oldest Soldier
No Great Magic
When the Change-Winds Blow
Knight to Move
Black Corridor