What Did You Do?
By Jeneane O’Riley

The Infatuated Fae 2


Calypso is brought to the Seelie castle believing that Mendaz is dead. But things are not okay as the Queen stalls making her part of the court, the Princess is snarky and there seems to be a strangely familiar scent in the air.


First publication: Bloom Books, February 2024


Sequel to How Does It Feel? that gives you more of what was good - and bad - about the first book. I did love how the book ended. I thought it was kind of different, but it also was what I was hoping for. Sets up the stage for the third book well. The story moves along better throughout than the first book. Recommended for fans of very adult Romantasy.


We have the story in these editions:

What Did You Do?, ebook, Bloom Books, 2024-02-28

All of the stories in the The Infatuated Fae series:
1 How Does It Feel?
2 What Did You Do?