“The One Who Spoke with the Owls”
short story
By Darrell Schweitzer

Julian 08



First publication: Void #4, May 1976



We have the story in these editions:

All of the stories in the Julian series:
01 ‘Ordnung’, so pflegte der alte Ritter ...
02 The Hag
03 Ordnung. Alles an seinem Platz ...
04 The Lady of the Fountain
05 Island of Faces
06 Einstens, als ich mich meiner Sünden ...
07 The Veiled Pool of Mistorak
08 The One Who Spoke with the Owls
09 The Castle of Kites and Crows
10 The Riddle of the Horn
11 Divers Hands
12 The Unknown God Cried Out
13 Into the dark Land
14 Eines Nachts konnte ich nicht schlafen ...
15 A Fabulous Formless Darkness
16 Midnight, Moonlight, and the Secret of the Sea
16.1 The Faces of Moonlight