“Maureen Birnbaum at the Earth’s Core”
short story
By George Alec Effinger

Maureen Birnbaum



First publication: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1986



We have the story in these editions:

All of the stories in the Maureen Birnbaum series:
Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson
Maureen Birnbaum at the Earth’s Core
Maureen Birnbaum on the Art of War
Maureen Birnbaum After Dark
Maureen Birnbaum Goes Shopynge
Maureen Birnbaum and the Saint Graal
Maureen Birnbaum at the Looming Awfulness
Maureen Birnbaum’s Lunar Adventure
Maureen Birnbaum on a Hot Tin Roof
Maureen Birnbaum in the MUD
Maureen Birnbaum Pokes an Eye Out