Gutenberg’s Apprentice
By Alix Christie

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Gutenberg is on the verge of an ingenious invention and with the help of his browbeaten team, is working towards a unique illuminated Bible, but will the church, budget, and antics of Gutenberg stop the team from completing the project?


First publication: HarperCollins, September 23, 2014


What is interesting about this piece of historical fiction, is not only how it touches on the accurate issue of the Church having issues with a Bible that is not copied by hand, but also the part that Gutenberg plays as the shitty boss. One recognizes that Gutenberg was just the buissness man and didn't come up with his idea and all the logistics alone, and often he was putting his team in a controversial and awkward place, which feels very realistic for the controversy of the printing press during this time. The voice of the main character is honest and obviously stressed, and speaks to any reader who has had a tough boss and the struggles of trying to balance cretive projects with their daily life of family and friendships. A realistic and relatable perspective.


We have the story in these editions: