An earthman is abducted and taken to Mars. They want him to be their Ambassador to Earth to help them peacefully move to live with us because they are being killed off on Mars.
First publication: Amazing, September 1928
First off, the guy wakes up in outer space, abducted, and he’s okay with it. Seriously? The book doesn’t have anything really objectionable, it’s just a simple early space opera. But the writing is simple. It’s about what you would expect in a book for kids. Maybe about 10 years old. The characters are pretty cardboard and stereotyped. Not really what today’s readers would want, even as teenagers. It’s not terrible to read and kind of fun if you understand where magazine SF was at in 1928. I think this is only of historical interest.
We have the story in these editions:
The Human Termites/The Ambassador from Mars, trade paperback, Armchair Fiction, 2017-00-00