A class structure has formed between the rich people riding in automobiles and the poor who have to walk.
First publication: Amazing Stories, February 1928
Right at the beginning this story pulls a powerful punch which resonates with authors like Ballard and Sheckley. Keller puts you in this world in less than single page. And then OMG! Throw away whatever preconceptions you may have about science fiction in the 1920s and 30s. This story gets weird. You have a trans stenographer who falls in love with a legless woman. The legless woman is into women, so when she finds out he is a man... well you just have to read this. Once again Keller has surprised me in writing something that would be at home today. He has a brutal imagination that surpasses all of his contemporaries and a surreal approch to science fiction that makes it imperative that we restore his reputation today. No simple imitator of Wells, Keller is a more daring writer than anyone else in the pulps. TOP TALE!
We have the story in these editions:
Tales from Underwood, hardcover, Neville Spearman, 1974-12-00
Keller Memento, hardcover, Ramble House, 2010-11-28