“The Taylorsville Reconstruction”
By Lucius Shepard


The government uses operatives who are able to read and influence minds to try to subvert a growing revivial of the Confederate States.


First publication: Universe 13, ed. by Terry Carr, Doubleday, June 1983


Something about this story reminds me of James Tiptree, Jr. Probably the excellent writing, solid characterization and the somewhat satirical tone. These are all very much like Tiptree. I don’t know if Shepard took a class from Tiptree or admired her stories. Maybe that sense just comes out because of the damn good writing. Solid and professional story, but not quite a Top Tale. Still, recommended to anyone who wants a well-written story that holds up well today.


We have the story in these editions:

Universe 13, edited by Terry Carr, hardcover, Doubleday, 1983-06-00