Ganny is a Belter, living in the asteroids, who suddenly has her station taken over by a Martian Corporation. Before they get there, Ganny packs up a home-built spaceship and sets out to put a stop to something that turns out to be much larger than just her. So she declares war on Mars.
First publication: Analog, March/April 2024
This story is both very intelligent and a lot of fun. Lots of humorous moments, lots of action and lots of plot twists and revelations. The sort of story that made me fall in love with science fiction. I would invoke the name of Heinlein in comparing it, but Gerrold does not share Heinlein’s politics, so you can rest easy. But the view of the future and the pitting of real people against faceless corporations, the idea of little people using their brains to fight those corrupt entities and the humor sprinkled throughout are things I remember from Heinlein and from many other great SF authors. Of course, Gerrold is one of those great authors. I think I can also see a lot of what made Trouble with Tribbles so great in this story, except no cute little furballs. Just a grandmother that is one of the best characters I’ve read in recent times. While I don’t think this has the power to rise to a Top Tale, it is still highly recommended.
We have the story in these editions:
Analog Science Fiction & Fact, March/April 2024, edited by Trevor Quachri, magazine, Dell, 2024-03-00