Space patrolman Westerburg is convinced that he has become a plant. He refuses to do anything other than sit in the sun all day.
First publication: Popular Science Fiction #2, February 1953
”They have to trade, they have to get minerals and products and new plants.”
“To keep society going.”
“Well—” Harris gestures. “People couldn’t live without society.”
That bit from the story kind of sums the whole idea here and relates a lot to our own lives. So much of what we do seems pointless. We do it to pay our bills and keep our society going, but what if we stopped? What if we started doing the things that make our lives worthwhile? What if we all just stopped working so hard at something that none of us likes or trusts? What if we lived like plants?
I don’t think this story is really powerful, but it does have an interesting point. Recommended but not a Top Tale.
We have the story in these editions:
Paycheck and Other Classic Stories, trade paperback, Citadel/Kensington, 2003-09-00