Private Parrts is reassigned to a small planet, run by Colonel Kylling. The Admiral wants to build a railroad to a mining operation, but they lay tracks through the worst possible place.
First publication: Pierrot Publishing, May 1979
Okay, this isn’t one for everybody, but it was really good! It is ridiculous, having fun and poking fun at the space opera genre without apology or remorse. Harrison cut his teeth writing SF satire in the Stainless Steel Rat novels and Bill, the Galactic Hero and here he reaches his most absurd. In additiona are the many great and huge illustrations from Jim Burns, Making this almost a graphic novel. The combination is awesome! Is this book right for you? Maybe not if you didn’t grow up with Edmond Hamilton or Planet Stories style space opera. But if you remember those simple and fun stories fondly, yet are capable of laughing at them, then this is for you. Just don’t take one word of this seriously.
We have the story in these editions:
Planet Story, trade paperback, Pierrot Publishing, 1979-05-00