Arthur Pym stows away on a sailing ship and experiences mutiny, starvation, ghost ships, sharks, shipwreck and finally is picked up on another ship that goes into the Antarctic to explore, finding many wonders.
First publication: First two installments, January/February 1837 – Southern Literary Messenger, issued as complete novel in July 1838
This book isn’t for everyone, but it is a great classic. Written before most of Poe’s most famous stories, this, his only novel, takes you on an odyssey through many terrors and adventures and leaves you with a mystery. Heavily influential on Melville, Poe drew upon his knowledge and his research of sailing and sea disasters to craft a story that feels like you are there with Pym. The detail is terrific. The imagination is top notch, the terror is as gruesome as King and the characters are well-realized. If you love horror or the old sailing ships, this book is for you.
We have the story in these editions:
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, slipcased, Heritage Press, 1957-00-00
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, slipcased, Folio Society, 2015-00-00
The Antarktos Cycle, edited by Robert M. Price, trade paperback, Chaosium, 1998-08-00
Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick F. Quinn, slipcased, Suntup Editions, 2022-00-00