Mary Caraker
Born: 1929-09-19
Born in Astoria, Oregon, USA.
- 1983-01-00 “The Vampires Who Loved Beowulf”
- 1983-07-00 “Sandcastles”
- 1984-03-00 “A Thrrup for Teacher”
- 1986-09-00 Seven Worlds
- 1987-07-00 “Out of the Cradle”
- 1987-09-00 Water Song
- 1987-09-00 “Lumisland”
- 1988-09-00 “Starship Stowaway”
- 1989-03-00 The Snows of Jaspre
- 1989-08-00 “The Innocents”
- 1989-08-00 “Treetops”
- 1990-06-00 “I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing”
- 1990-10-00 “To Tame a Tiger”
- 1991-03-00 The Faces of Ceti
- L 1991-05-00 “The Sandwalk”
- 1991-07-00 “I Remember, I Remember...”
- 1992-01-00 “Taboos”
- 1995-05-00 “Suffer the Children”
- 1997-09-00 Elina, Mistress of Laukko