By Richard Laymon


An old girlfriend suddenly shows up at Sam’s place and wants him to protect her from a vampire.


First publication: Headline, September 1996


Certain readers will love this book. With a specific approach it is kind of fun. It's easy and quick to read. Laymon’s books are often compared to 80s slasher movies - a lot of camp. For me that makes this a book I can’t take seriously. I don’t feel the writing ia all that good. There is nothing really scary in it. I don’t care about the characters. There isn’t really any idea here. There isn't much in the way of vampires. And I didn’t like the ending. The sexy elements come across as just stupid, not titilating. So what makes it fun? It keeps changing and keeps you guessing and there is a lot of banter between the characters. Not a great book though. Not sure I will bother with any other Laymon books.


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