“The Greater Thing”
By Tom Godwin


The Thing in the city had an immense amss of Knowledge, and the immense power that stems from vast knowledge. But—it lacked something which, because it was lacking, it could not know it lacked, until it engulfed the girl ...


First publication: Astounding, February 1954


Although not quite a top tale, this another excellent story from Godwin. The characters are realistic, the story is suspensful. It is a dystopia that has formed after world war three and concerns a couple of resistance fighters working to overthrow The State. Very much a product of the Cold War, but also a better story than most of what was published in the science fiction magazines at this time. Godwin was an excellent writer and this story is recommended.


We have the story in these editions:

Astounding Science Fiction, February 1954, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., magazine, Street & Smith, 1954-02-00