“A Single Shadow Make”
short story
By Gemma Files


A reworking of the Frankenstein story.


First publication: Techno Myths, Obelesk Books, July 1994


This was interesting, though I admit I’m too much of a purist to love it. The premise is a retelling of Frankenstein, but to make it modern and queer. The inevitable comparison to the original is what weakens this story. If you love Frankenstein and just don’t see why someone would feel the need to rewrite it, then the story comes off as a weak pandering to current politics. If Frankenstein had never existed then this story would seem fresh and well written. That’s the dilemma here. I am old school enough that I can’t really like what was done here. I love the original Frankenstein and I don’t feel anybody needs to write new versions of the story. Otherwise I liked it.


We have the story in these editions: