“One Sexy Husband”
short story
By Harlan Ellison

Alternate Titles:
“Goodbye, Edie”


Ralph is a married garbage collector who wants to be free to play around as much as he wishes. His co-worker tells of a way to get rid of his wife by natural causes.


First publication: Mr. Magazine, July 1956


Ellison wrote a number of stories for the men’s magazines in the 1950s. They were written for the money and are not works he was proud of. I can see why. Ellison’s story, and the others in Mr. Magazine, are very misogynistic. The men are not happy with their women and would do anything to get rid of them. Not recommended. Not Ellison even close to his best.


We have the story in these editions:

Mr. Excitement!, edited by Everett Meyers, magazine, Mr. Magazines, 1956-07-00