“Girl with the Bedroom Eyes”
short story
By Harlan Ellison


Don is desperate to be with the department store window model, Jeanie, where he works.


First publication: Sex Gang, Corinth Publications, November 1959

Published as by Paul Merchant.


Ellison warns us that this story and the others like it are really bad and are just things he pumped out for the money at a time when nis writing wasn’t great. I do think some of his other work in 1956 is good, but have to agree with him here. The ending is one you will see coming early on. The character of Jeanie is very stiff. It does have a smutty theme, but doesn't get very graphic. Pretty tame by today’s standards. Only recommended to the Ellison completist.


We have the story in these editions:

Pulling A Train, paperback, Kicks Books, 2012-00-00