“But Who Wilts the Lettuce?”
short story
By Harlan Ellison


A man gets a fortune cookie that has a nonsensical fortune in it. He decides to pursue the meaning by finding the company that makes the cookies.


First publication: Amazing, September 1956

Published as by Ellis Hart


This is a light and humorous work. It is definitely not the Ellison we know. It reads more like a standard fifties SF or fantasy story that you might find from any of the other authors. My opinion is that his gang stories of this time are much better stories than this. Still, it’s good enough for what it is—as good as any other average fifties sf short story. Recommended to the Ellison completist or anyone who loves the stories of the fifties.


We have the story in these editions:

Amazing Stories September 1956, edited by Paul W. Fairman, magazine, Ziff-Davis Publishing, 1956-09-00