“Trojan Hearse”
short story
By Harlan Ellison

Earth-Kyba War


The Orifice opened Earth’s door to the invaders—and it was a door that had no lock!


First publication: Infinity, August 1956


This is a more traditional science fiction story and a very short one. Well done, but i saw the ending coming. The story lacks the famous Ellison edge that could be seen already in his Deadly Streets stories. This is a story that could have been written by any of the better sf authors of the fifties. It still is a fun little story, recommended for anyone who likes the Galaxy Magazine style of science fiction from the fifties.


We have the story in these editions:

Infinity Science Fiction, August 1956, edited by Larry T. Shaw, magazine, Royal Publications, 1956-08-00

Night and the Enemy, trade paperback, Comico, 1987-11-00

All of the stories in the Earth-Kyba War series:
Sleeping Dogs
The Few, the Proud
Life Hutch
Trojan Hearse
The Untouchable Adolescents
Run for the Stars