Boris Strugatsky

Born: 1933-04-14, Died: 2012-11-19


Born in Leningrad, Russia, USSR.


  1. 1958-01-00 “From Beyond”
  2. 1958-08-00 “Spontaneous Reflex”
  3. 1959-00-00 Страна багровых туч
  4. 1959-03-00 “Six Matches”
  5. 1959-08-00 “Забытый эксперимент”
  6. 1959-08-00 “Частные предположения”
  7. 1959-12-00 “Defeat”
  8. 1960-00-00 “Deep Search”
  9. 1960-00-00 “Испытание “СКИБР””
  10. 1960-00-00 “Night on Mars”
  11. 1960-00-00 “Almost the Same”
  12. 1960-00-00 “Destination: Amaltheia”
  13. 1960-00-00 “An Emergency Case”
  14. 1961-00-00 “The Planet with All the Conveniences”
  15. 1961-00-00 “Великий КРИ”
  16. 1961-00-00 “Two from the Taimyr”
  17. 1961-00-00 “The Assaultmen”
  18. 1961-00-00 “The Mystery of the Hind Leg”
  19. 1961-00-00 “What You Will Be Like”
  20. 1961-00-00 “The Moving Roads”
  21. 1961-00-00 “Candles Before the Control Board”
  22. 1961-00-00 “The Meeting”
  23. 1961-00-00 “Cornucopia”
  24. 1961-00-00 “Homecoming”
  25. 1962-00-00 Space Apprentice
  26. 1962-00-00 “The Gigantic Fluctuation”
  27. 1962-00-00 “Должен жить”
  28. 1962-00-00 “Natural Science in the Spirit World”
  29. 1962-00-00 “The Conspirators”
  30. 1962-00-00 “Моби Дик”
  31. 1962-00-00 “Old-Timer”
  32. 1962-00-00 “Escape Attempt”
  33. 1962-00-00 “Languor of the Spirit”
  34. 1962-00-00 “Chronicle”
  35. 1962-00-00 “Человек из Пасифиды”
  36. 1963-00-00 “Wanderers and Travellers”
  37. L 1964-00-00 Hard to Be a God
  38. 1964-00-00 “Far Rainbow”
  39. 1964-00-00 “Суета вокруг дивана”
  40. 1965-00-00 Monday Begins on Saturday
  41. 1965-00-00 The Final Circle of Paradise
  42. 1966-00-00 “Улитка на склоне. Главы из фантастической повести”
  43. 1968-00-00 Tale of the Troika
  44. 1968-00-00 The Snail on the Slope
  45. 1968-00-00 “The Second Invasion from Mars”
  46. 1971-00-00 Space Mowgli
  47. 1971-00-00 Prisoners of Power
  48. 1972-00-00 The Ugly Swans
  49. 1972-00-00 “The Kid from Hell”
  50. L 1972-07-00 Roadside Picnic
  51. 1976-00-00 Definitely Maybe
  52. 1979-00-00 Beetle in the Anthill
  53. 1981-00-00 “The Desire Machine”
  54. 1982-00-00 The Dead Mountaineer’s Inn
  55. 1985-00-00 “Пять ложек эликсира”
  56. 1986-00-00 The Time Wanderers
  57. 1987-00-00 “Grabljive stvari stoleća”
  58. 1987-00-00 “Stažeri”
  59. 1988-00-00 Отягощённые злом, или Сорок лет спустя
  60. L 1989-00-00 The Doomed City
  61. 1989-00-00 Lame Fate
  62. 1990-00-00 Беспокойство
  63. 1990-00-00 “The Kikes of Peter’s Town or, Unhappy Disclosures by Candlelight”
  64. 1990-00-00 “Песчаная горячка”
  65. 1990-00-00 “Сталкер”
  66. 1992-00-00 “Mutanții din ceață”
  67. 1995-00-00 Поиск предназначения, или Двадцать седьмая теорема этики
  68. 2001-00-00 “Венера. Архаизмы”
  69. 2001-00-00 “Затерянный в толпе”
  70. 2003-00-00 Бессильные мира сего
  71. 2005-00-00 “Буфет межпланетников”
  72. 2008-04-00 “Ведьма”