Robert J. Sawyer

Born: 1960-04-29


Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


  1. 1980-00-00 “Motive”
  2. 1980-00-00 “The Contest”
  3. 1981-01-14 “If I’m Here, Imagine Where They Sent My Luggage”
  4. 1982-11-00 “Ours to Discover”
  5. 1987-03-00 “Uphill Climb”
  6. 1988-09-00 “Golden Fleece”
  7. 1989-01-00 “The Good Doctor”
  8. 1990-12-00 Golden Fleece
  9. 1992-06-00 Far-Seer
  10. 1992-09-00 “Where the Heart Is”
  11. 1993-05-00 Fossil Hunter
  12. 1993-05-00 “Just Like Old Times”
  13. 1994-03-00 Foreigner
  14. 1994-10-00 End of an Era
  15. 1995-00-00 “Lost in the Mail”
  16. 1995-00-00 “You See But You Do Not Observe”
  17. L 1995-05-00 The Terminal Experiment
  18. 1996-02-00 “Above It All”
  19. 1996-07-00 Starplex
  20. 1996-10-00 “Peking Man”
  21. 1997-05-00 Frameshift
  22. 1997-05-00 “Forever”
  23. 1997-07-00 “The Hand You’re Dealt”
  24. 1997-10-00 Illegal Alien
  25. 1997-11-00 “Gator”
  26. 1998-06-00 Factoring Humanity
  27. 1999-00-00 “Stream of Consciousness”
  28. 1999-06-00 Flashforward
  29. 1999-12-11 “The Blue Planet”
  30. 2000-06-00 Calculating God
  31. 2000-06-00 “The Shoulders of Giants”
  32. 2000-07-06 “The Abdication of Pope Mary III”
  33. 2000-08-00 “Fallen Angel”
  34. 2000-09-00 “Last But Not Least”
  35. 2000-09-00 “Star Light, Star Bright”
  36. 2000-11-00 “Iterations”
  37. 2000-11-00 “Wiping Out”
  38. 2002-01-00 Hominids
  39. 2002-07-00 “Black Reflection”
  40. 2002-10-15 “Driving a Bargain”
  41. 2002-11-00 “Ineluctable”
  42. 2002-12-00 “Shed Skin”
  43. 2003-02-00 Humans
  44. 2003-04-00 “On the Surface”
  45. 2003-07-00 “Come All Ye Faithful”
  46. 2003-08-00 “Immortality”
  47. 2003-08-24 “The Stanley Cup Caper”
  48. 2003-09-00 Hybrids
  49. 2003-11-00 “Relativity”
  50. 2004-01-00 “Kata Bindu”
  51. 2004-03-00 “Mikeys”
  52. 2004-07-00 “The Right’s Tough”
  53. 2005-04-00 Mindscan
  54. 2005-04-00 “The Eagle Has Landed”
  55. 2005-05-00 “Identity Theft”
  56. 2006-01-00 “Flashes”
  57. 2006-05-00 “Biding Time”
  58. 2006-10-00 Rollback
  59. 2008-01-00 “E-Mails from the Future”
  60. 2008-11-00 Wake
  61. 2009-06-00 “Webmind Says Hello”
  62. 2010-04-00 Watch
  63. 2011-04-00 Wonder
  64. 2012-04-00 Triggers
  65. 2013-03-26 Red Planet Blues
  66. 2015-11-17 “Looking for Gordo”
  67. 2016-02-00 Quantum Night
  68. 2020-06-02 The Oppenheimer Alternative