John Wyndham

Born: 1903-07-10, Died: 1969-03-11


Born John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris in Dorridge, Knowle, Warwickshire, England, UK.


  1. L R 1931-05-00 “Worlds to Barter”
  2. 1932-04-00 “The Lost Machine”
  3. 1932-05-00 “The Venus Adventure”
  4. 1932-11-15 “The Stare”
  5. 1932-12-15 “Exiles on Asperus”
  6. L 1933-03-00 “Wanderers of Time”
  7. L 1933-05-00 “The Third Vibrator”
  8. L 1933-10-00 “Spheres of Hell”
  9. L 1933-12-00 “Invisible Monster”
  10. L 1934-04-00 “The Moon Devils”
  11. L 1934-09-00 “The Man from Earth”
  12. 1935-00-00 The Secret People
  13. 1935-00-00 Foul Play Suspected
  14. 1935-03-00 “The Cathedral Crypt”
  15. 1936-05-02 Stowaway to Mars
  16. 1937-06-00 “The Perfect Creature”
  17. 1938-00-00 “Judson’s Annihilator”
  18. L 1938-03-00 “Sleepers of Mars”
  19. 1939-03-00 “The Trojan Beam”
  20. L 1939-06-00 “Child of Power”
  21. L 1939-06-00 “Derelict of Space”
  22. 1940-02-00 “Vengeance by Proxy”
  23. 1941-03-00 “Meteor”
  24. 1946-10-00 “The Living Lies”
  25. 1949-00-00 “Technical Slip”
  26. L 1949-00-00 “Time to Rest”
  27. L 1949-01-08 “Jizzle”
  28. 1949-07-00 “Adaptation”
  29. 1950-09-00 “The Eternal Eve”
  30. L L 1951-00-00 The Day of the Triffids
  31. 1951-00-00 “No Place Like Earth”
  32. 1951-00-00 “Pawley’s Peepholes”
  33. 1951-02-00 “The Red Stuff”
  34. 1951-05-00 “And the Walls Come Tumbling Down”
  35. 1951-06-00 “A Present from Brunswick”
  36. 1951-12-00 “Pillar to Post”
  37. 1952-01-00 “The Wheel”
  38. 1952-02-00 “Survival”
  39. 1952-03-22 “Affair of the Heart”
  40. 1952-07-00 “Dumb Martian”
  41. 1953-00-00 The Kraken Wakes
  42. L 1953-01-00 “Close Behind Him”
  43. 1953-01-00 “Time Stops Today”
  44. 1953-02-00 “Chinese Puzzle”
  45. 1953-02-00 “Chronoclasm”
  46. 1953-05-00 “Reservation Deferred”
  47. 1953-06-00 “More Spinned Against”
  48. 1953-07-00 “Confidence Trick”
  49. 1953-09-00 “How Do I Do?”
  50. 1954-00-00 “Esmeralda”
  51. 1954-00-00 “Heaven Scent”
  52. 1954-00-00 “Look Natural, Please!”
  53. 1954-01-00 “Never on Mars”
  54. 1954-01-00 “Perforce to Dream”
  55. 1954-04-00 “Opposite Numbers”
  56. 1954-08-29 “Compassion Circuit”
  57. L 1955-04-00 The Chrysalids
  58. 1955-11-00 “Wild Flower”
  59. 1956-00-00 “Consider Her Ways”
  60. L 1957-00-00 The Midwich Cuckoos
  61. 1957-03-00 “But a Kind of Ghost”
  62. 1958-04-00 “The Space Station A.D. 1994”
  63. 1958-06-00 “The Moon A.D. 2044”
  64. L 1958-07-00 “Mars A.D. 2094”
  65. 1958-09-00 “Venus A.D. 2144”
  66. 1958-10-00 “The Meddler”
  67. 1959-03-28 “Odd”
  68. 1960-09-00 Trouble with Lichen
  69. 1960-09-00 “A Long Spoon”
  70. 1960-11-00 “The Asteroids, 2194”
  71. 1961-00-00 “Oh, Where, Now, Is Peggy MacRafferty?”
  72. 1961-00-00 “Random Quest”
  73. 1961-03-00 “A Stitch in Time”
  74. 1962-11-00 “It’s a Wise Child”
  75. 1963-03-00 “Chocky”
  76. 1965-12-00 “In Outer Space There Shown a Star”
  77. 1968-02-00 Chocky
  78. 1968-12-00 “A Life Postponed”
  79. 1979-04-00 Web
  80. 2000-00-00 “Vivisection”
  81. 2003-04-00 “Blackmoil”
  82. 2009-05-15 Plan for Chaos