Valerie Martin

Born: 1948-03-14


Born in Sedalia, Missouri.


  1. L 1988-00-00 “Sea Lovers”
  2. 1988-00-00 “The Parallel World”
  3. 1990-02-00 Mary Reilly
  4. 1991-06-01 Alexandra
  5. 2000-05-09 Italian Fever
  6. 2001-10-01 Set in Motion
  7. 2002-03-12 Salvation
  8. 2003-02-04 The Great Divorce
  9. 2004-04-13 Property
  10. 2008-09-23 Trespass
  11. 2010-07-13 The Confessions of Edward Day
  12. 2014-01-28 The Ghost of the Mary Celeste
  13. 2016-10-00 “Bromley Hall”
  14. 2020-08-11 I Give It to You