William Rotsler
Born: 1926-07-03, Died: 1997-10-18
Born Charles William Rotsler in Los Angeles, California.
- 1961-06-00 “Beermutterings”
- 1969-00-00 “The Kong Papers”
- 1970-06-00 “Ship Me Tomorrow”
- L 1971-03-00 “Epic”
- 1971-07-00 “Bohassian Learns”
- 1971-09-00 “After the End and Before the Beginning”
- L 1972-00-00 “Patron of the Arts”
- 1972-03-00 “Star Level”
- L 1972-07-00 “There’s a Special Kind Needed Out There”
- 1973-06-00 “Seed”
- L 1973-10-00 “Gerald Fitzgerald and the Time Machine”
- 1973-10-00 “The Gods of Zar”
- 1973-11-00 “War of the Magicians”
- L 1973-12-00 “A’la Mode Knights”
- 1973-12-00 “The Immortality of Lazarus”
- 1974-05-00 “A New Life”
- 1974-07-12 Patron of the Arts
- L 1974-09-00 “The Raven and the Hawk”
- 1974-12-00 “2002: A Spaced Lunacy”
- 1974-12-00 “Balance Point”
- 1974-12-00 “The Conversation”
- 1975-04-00 “Surprise Party”
- 1975-08-00 “I’m Not Sure I Want to Go to the Future”
- 1975-08-00 “Landing Party”
- 1975-09-00 “To Gain a Dream”
- 1976-02-00 To the Land of the Electric Angel
- 1976-03-00 Visions from Nowhere
- 1976-07-00 Man, the Hunted Animal
- 1976-09-00 Futureworld
- 1977-05-00 Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
- 1978-01-00 Zandra
- L 1979-01-00 “Parental Guidance Suggested”
- 1979-06-00 And Call My Killer... Modok!
- 1979-07-00 Nightmare
- 1980-03-00 Shiva Descending
- 1980-04-00 The Far Frontier
- 1981-00-00 Mr. Merlin: Episode 1
- 1981-00-00 Mr. Merlin: Episode 2
- 1981-00-00 The Rescue Mission
- 1981-06-00 Terror on the Moons of Jupiter
- 1981-07-00 The City in the Stars
- 1981-08-00 The Alien Probe
- 1981-09-00 The War in Outer Space
- 1982-00-00 Star Trek II: Distress Call
- 1982-00-00 The Astral Fortress
- 1982-00-00 “Intelligence Test”
- 1982-00-00 “The Blaze of Glory”
- 1982-00-00 “The Secret Empire”
- 1982-00-00 “To Wherever”
- 1982-00-00 “Under Twin Moons”
- 1982-00-00 “Wild card”
- 1982-08-00 Blackhawk
- 1983-07-00 The Hidden Worlds of Zandra
- 1984-00-00 “A Vulcan, a Klingon, and an Angel”
- 1984-00-00 “As Old As Forever”
- 1984-00-00 “The Azphari Enigma”
- 1984-00-00 “The Jungles of Memory”
- 1984-00-00 “World’s End”
- 1984-06-00 Star Trek III: The Vulcan Treasure
- 1985-10-18 Cavern of Horror
- 1993-00-00 “The Long Hunt”
- 1995-12-15 “Which Came First?”
- 1998-10-00 “A New Life”