Michael P. Kube-McDowell
Born: 1954-08-29
- 1979-08-00 “The Inevitable Conclusion”
- 1980-02-00 “Antithesis”
- 1981-03-00 “Addressee Unknown ...”
- 1981-06-22 “A Question of Compliance”
- L 1981-08-03 “Slac//”
- 1981-11-00 “Tagman”
- 1982-06-00 “The Garden of the Cognoscenti”
- 1982-07-00 “P.E.”
- 1982-08-00 “Slippage”
- 1982-10-00 “A Green Hill Far Away”
- 1983-02-00 “Murphy’s Planet”
- 1983-08-00 “Memory”
- 1984-02-00 “Menace”
- 1985-01-00 “Lifebomb”
- 1985-05-00 “Babytrap”
- 1985-06-00 Emprise
- 1985-07-00 “When Winter Ends”
- 1986-05-00 Enigma
- 1987-04-00 Thieves of Light
- 1987-06-00 Empery
- 1987-07-00 Odyssey
- 1987-11-00 “Nanny”
- 1988-09-00 “The Nolacon Visitation”
- 1988-10-00 Alternities
- 1989-12-00 “Misbegotten”
- 1990-05-00 The Quiet Pools
- 1992-02-00 “I Shall Have a Flight to Glory”
- 1992-05-00 Exile
- 1992-07-00 “The Inga-Binga Affair”
- 1992-07-00 “The Inga-Binga Affair”
- 1993-09-00 “Because Thou Lovest the Burning-Ground”
- 1996-03-00 Before the Storm
- 1996-08-00 Shield of Lies
- 1996-12-00 Tyrant’s Test
- 1999-11-00 The Trigger
- 2002-11-00 Vectors